Afferentologists are qualified in diagnosis and treatment skills based on an understanding of afferent input in the body, which enables them to more accurately assess and restore the strength and physical resilience of every patient they see – or refer them to other medical avenues for further investigation.
Simon King developed the afferent input system of diagnosis and treatment to help health professionals eliminate muscle inhibition.
A trained chiropractor, Simon realised a few years into his practice that were some answers he just couldn’t get from what he had learned in his degree and subsequent professional development.
After becoming a Diplomate in Applied Kinesiology, Simon went back to the textbooks again to re-learn the basics about how the body’s neural system works, and what makes muscles function.
From this, and after an epiphany provided by Simon’s ‘Index Case’, Lesley, Simon developed the theory of Afferentology, and has spent over 20 years trying, and failing, to disprove his theory.
Simon felt it was important to establish a professional structure within which health professionals could benefit from Afferentology as a medical discipline through training, peer support and ensuring that only those who have passed the Afferentology courses for their health professional type can become certified Afferentologists.
This is both to add value for those who take the time to qualify, and to provide reassurance to the public that the Afferentologist they are paying to assess, diagnose and treat them is properly trained, mentored and monitored by the professional organisation which has developed and specialises in this area of medical expertise.
Your central nervous system has about 86 billion neurons and they are all connected to 10,000 others. That’s an awful lot of connections. More importantly, the central nervous system is a processing centre, it doesn’t generate the messages that control your muscles, which begs the question – where do nerve messages come from?
Your central nervous system takes input from the senses and turns it into output to control the body, predominantly the muscles. Afferent input refers to the nerve messages which feed the brain and spinal cord. Bad input creates bad output, which we find as muscle inhibition or its opposite, over-facilitation.
By normalising muscle tone, afferentologists allow their patients to move better, heal faster and stay well longer.
Since Simon developed his theory of Afferentology, hundreds of independent medical research studies have thrown up evidence to support it and explain why it succeeds in diagnosing and treating muscle inhibition and the sources of chronic pain where other practice fails.
The Association of Certified Afferentologists is dedicated to using funds to perform and sponsor quality research related to Afferent Input.
The Afferentology paradigm brings an accuracy to your diagnosis and treatment you never dreamed possible. Everything we teach is designed to make every patient stronger, no matter what their condition.
Members have access to monthly webinars from Simon, which means Members are constantly up to date with the latest techniques and receive ongoing learning and CPD throughout the year. And because it’s online, you can learn at your own convenience.
Add your clinic details to the Afferentology Practitioner Directory so that patients in your area who are interested in seeing an afferentologist can find you.
Upgrade your competence and extend your practice’s services to patients with certification as an Afferentologist by completing the full Afferentology course for your medical background, successfully qualifying and then joining the Association.
Learn from colleagues, share case studies and build the afferentologist knowledge base together. Additionally, Members can contact Simon for one-to-one advice, or ask fellow Members for advice or feedback via the Association’s Facebook group.
As a relatively unknown area of expertise in diagnosis and treatment, we realise that demonstrating the benefits and explaining the science behind Afferentology is crucial to bringing it to more people who need it, and our Members benefit from this work by the Association of Certified Afferentologists.