The Afferent Input System
for Chiropractors and Osteopaths

All physical health practitioners use afferent input.

Every time we touch, massage, adjust, mobilise, manipulate, needle, exercise or rehab a patient, we’re doing afferent input.

Any change detected by proprioceptors, changes afferent input.

But what if you could do it consciously, deliberately and predictably?

You would no longer wonder about those patients who just refuse to get better despite the best treatment you can provide.

Ultimately, sensory input informs and controls motor output – largely via cord-based reflexes.

How to Find and Fix Muscle Inhibition

This course features 7 hours of video (7 hours CPD) in 10 bite-sized lessons created and presented by Simon King, the Founder of the Association of Certified Afferentologists.

They are a mixture of lecture, clinical demonstration and seminar footage which teaches any health practitioner to assess and care for difficult and complex patients with ease, in accordance with their professional qualification.

What you will learn

How to test for weakness

You’ll learn how to test EVERY muscle, even the ones that “can’t” be tested.

“Muscle inhibition” is the silent epidemic behind all injury and most illness, but you’ll never know how common it is if you don’t test for it.

Nutritional Testing

Once you have found muscle inhibition we run through many treatment options.

Global muscle inhibition is often due to a deficiency or a toxicity.

Afferentology helps you work out exactly what your patient is deficient in or what might be causing their toxicity.

Find answers to difficult patients

Not every patient is straight-forward. Some have local inhibition and weakness, others have bilateral weakness, multiple weaknesses and a few present with global weakness.

This course gives you the tools and the principles you need to solve all these issues.


One of the major overlooked causes of abnormal afferent input is metal jewellery, especially piercings.

Using strength as your guide, you will be able to determine if jewellery is preventing the recovery of your patient.

How to find and fix hypertonicity

Just as some muscles can be inhibited, others can be too tight (or overstimulated). 

We give you simple techniques to determine whether a patient is just strong or actually abnormal in their muscle tone, PLUS, we teach you how to overcome hypertonicity permanently. 

Assess muscle tone

Within every muscle fibre are muscle spindles signalling exactly what tension each muscle is under and the length of that muscle.

Learn how to extract that information so you can return the tone of every muscle to normal, not too tight and not too inhibited.


If you’ve ever wondered what you’re missing with a patient, chances are you need to look in their mouth.

This course gives you an introduction to the dental problems which cause faulty afferent input and disrupt motor control to the body.

Excellent examination protocols

This course is the starting point for any health practitioner who wants to get better at patient-specific diagnosis. 

The tools you learn here can be integrated with any technique and training you currently use, and it will help you use them better.


Ever wondered why you get one patient better in 2-3 visits and another with an almost identical presentation takes forever or doesn’t get better at all? This course will help you understand why and teach you what to do about it.


It’s hard not to lose sleep over those patients who aren’t doing well. Maybe you can switch off after you’ve “done your best” but if you ever wondered whether you missed something, you are going to love this course.


Population-based studies can’t help you with an individual patient, unless you like gambling. You need solid information to base clinical decisions on and afferent input gives you that. Everything we teach is true of every vertebrate, any animal with a nervous system and quite a few that don’t have one (not that you’re likely to be treating amoebae!).


“The most logical and rational approach to muscle testing, diagnosis and patient betterment that I have read, listened to or practiced.”

Alan Jenks
Alan Jenks
Chiropractor, Canada

Just wanted to thank you for the great courses, and I am using the knowledge from the courses on every patient I have, and they couldn’t be happier. This really is accelerates the Philosophy from structure to function.

Leif Petter Sigmundstad
Physiotherapist, Sweden

Life changing is all I can say, phenomenal results and happy patients. Never been so content as a practitioner as I have been since learning these skills, thank you.

Mark Tucker
Mark Tucker
Chiropractor, London

Simon King is a clinician who has been in practice 32 years and tested over 6 million muscles.

In the early days, testing muscles just seemed the right thing to do. It gave him the advantage of being able to check for pateint improvement immediately.

Little did he know then, that the muscle tone was the key to health and longevity.

In early May 2000, he went back to the textbooks and re-learned the neurology of muscles, specifically how muscle tone was controlled by muscle spindles and anterior motor neurons. He wondered if what really made muscles weak was not “energy” but changes in sensory input.

Verifying this idea thousands of time has lead to a robust theory which is indisputable because it is the basis of all movement of all vertebrates.
Since then he has taught the paradigm and the techniques that derive from it to over a thousand practitioners, mainly chiropractors, osteopaths and physiotherapists and almost universally, they find that these ideas have made their practice easier and more enjoyable while getting their patients better results faster. 

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